Weekly News & Insights. But I’m Not a Security Tester!

You need meaningful, actionable metrics to test smarter, better and faster. QASymphony’s 14-page QA data and metrics guide discusses

  • The Need for Analytics and Visibility in Testing
  • Reporting: Getting the Most from Metrics
  • Relying on Data to Improve Software

Check it out

But I’m Not A Security Tester!

There are many who would say that all testers should know about web security testing. While knowing more about web security is a good idea for anyone who spends time online, I think there are situations where you may not need to know anything about web security testing. Read more on this article here.

30 Days of Security Testing

The #30DaysOfSecurityTesting kicks off this week! Are you taking part? We have a mix of individuals and teams. Don’t forget to share your journey, you can tag us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Find out more on 30 Days of Security Testing.

TestBash Brighton Early bird Tickets

Don’t forget our Earlybird tickets finish on the 31st January. The conference is on the 24th March and is always a great space to collaborate, share ideas, learn something new and find solutions to those long-standing problems. Click here for your ticket

Three Digestible Diagrams to Describe Exploratory Testing

How might you explain exploratory testing so your team and customers have the best chance to realise its true value? Read more on the topic here

What the hell kind of testing is that?

Many organisations are not ready to accept the differences between exploratory testing and more traditional testing methods. Often times people you are trying to sell to are left asking “What The Hell Kind of Testing Is That?” and not in a good way. Watch the video over on our Dojo

Testing Blogs

Want to get featured here? Submit your blog to our Testing Feeds!

Testing Chatter

We go hunting to see what testers are talking about, so you don’t have to!



Ministry of Testing
Ministry of Testing

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