Testing Ask Me Anything (AMA) Is Here!
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Testing Ask Me Anything (AMA)
We’re trying out something new, a live Ask Me Anything Thursday 7th September at 8pm UK time. This is an opportunity to ask any question on the topic and have it answered live. Our first topic is all about Automation. You can register now and get your question in early, or upvote any question that resonates with you. Register for the Ask Me Anything.
Career Mapping & Accessibility
We have a new podcast for you, this time The Super Testing Bros are talking to Marianne Duijst and Rick Tracy on road-mapping the future of your testing career. James Sheasby Thomas is talking about Accessibility testing. Listen to the podcast.
Testing Manifesto
Do you have a testing manifesto? For example, Preventing Bugs over Finding Bugs. Maybe you’ve read a manifesto online that struck a cord with you? What would your manifesto be? Share your thoughts.
What Is Agile?
We have a 99 second video that can be a refresher as to what Agile is, the pitfalls to be aware of as well as the benefits and examples of Agile. Discover the basics in less than 2minutes. Watch the video.
Do You Use Parameters In Automated Tests?
We know we have to use a set of inputs and conditions and to have an insight to the expected results. However, are parameters restricting? Do they tend to separate the data from the test behaviour itself? Do you use parameters?
Do Exploratory Tests Need Verdicts?
What are your thoughts on providing a report on an Exploratory Testing session? Is it useful? Is it more useful to highlight problem areas? How do you discuss the results of these sessions? Share your advice.
Insecure & Unintuitive: How We Need to Fix the UX of Security
A talk from Jared Spool all about the painful UI of those login forms. “If it’s not usable, it’s not secure. Unusable authentication systems are a bellwether of poor end-to-end experience.” Watch the talk in full.
Testing Blogs
Want to get featured here? Submit your blog to our Testing Feeds!
- The Challenge of Coverage — offbeattesting
- Why I think automation education is broken (and what I’ll try and do about it) — On Test Automation
- Pacumen — Exploring Search Algorithms — Stories from a Software Tester
- A different perspective on Boundary Testing — Maverick Tester
- Teaching testing to developers — Testknight
- Our current Testability trajectory — Danny Dainton
- 8 Key Insights from Running a Technical Workshop — James Willett
- Faster Travis CI tests with Docker cache — atodorov
- Doubt builds trust — Elizabeth Zagroba
- Quality-Value: Heuristic or Oracle? — The Tester’s Headache
- Community over Technology in Open-Source — A Seasoned Tester’s Crystal Ball
- Afghan Girls Robotics Team to ATDQuality Remarks — Quality Remarks
- Survey: AI’s Impact on Testing — AI for Software Testing
Testing Chatter
We go hunting to see what testers are talking about, so you don’t have to!
- Password guru regrets past advice — BBC News
- Test Driven Development
- GitHub — mgasiorowski/quality_mobile_apps_mindmap
- Log usability tests like a pro — David Travis
- Cookie Handling in Selenium WebDriver
- GitHub — Ardesco/Selenium-Maven-Template: A maven template for Selenium that will let you check out and go.