Introduction to Python for Testers
5 min readFeb 18, 2020
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Testing and the Community
- Introduction to Python for Software Testers — This course will give you an additional tool in your testing tool belt, for example, you will learn how to leverage scripting to analyze log files or to create a simple data file or get some random inputs you can use in testing.
- Testing Ask Me Anything — Test Strategies — Huib Schoots — A Test Strategy is the start for every tester and helps you to do the right things, gives testing structure and provides insight in risks and coverage.
- Win a Ticket to TestBash Brighton Offered to You by TestRail — Not only do you win a ticket to TestBash but you also win 2 nights accommodation!
- MoT Podcast — Adam Meets Elizabeth Zagroba, Huib Schoots & Jitesh Gosai — They discuss the importance of how we think and communicate about testing, as well as, their upcoming workshops from TestBash.
- Testing Ask Me Anything — DevOps — This fantastic AMA with Noah Sussman is now available for rewatching.
- How to manage Issues/Defects relating to the User Story being tested? — Checking the sanity of our current Agile process with a larger audience. What do you think?
- Running a Tech Meetup — Conor shares his experience of running the Cork meetup group.
- Would Heu-Risk It? Part 19: Constantly Consistent — The importance of consistency across your system.
- Understanding Burnout Symptoms in Tech Workers — This article will help you identify burnout symptoms so you can understand this syndrome better for yourself and for those around you who might be experiencing it too.
Upcoming MoT Events
- Masterclass: Rewrite Vs Refactor — 1 hour — 8pm UK Time — 10th March 2020
- Testing Ask Me Anything — Test Strategies — 1 hour — 8pm UK Time — 31st March 2020
- TestBash Brighton — 26th — 27th March 2020
- TestBash Detroit — 23rd — 24th April 2020
- TestBash Netherlands — 28th — 29th May 2020
- TestBash Manchester — 30th September — 1st October 2020
- Test.bash(); Manchester — 2nd October 2020
- Mobile A11y — This is a personally curated list of resources you may find helpful.
- Unsure about Digital Accessibility? These (Imaginary) People Can Lead to Success — Accessibility doesn’t just benefit those with a disability. Think of your audience in pairs.
- Accessible unethical technology — Unethical technology discriminates against disabled people.
- What’s new in Test Automation? — Someone is pulling the strings once again — Brief introduction to Playwright.
- Isolated Cypress UI tests — Understand what isolation means and how to achieve it using Cypress.
- API Testing in Python: requests vs bravado — Next time you’ll be writing automation, don’t feel restricted to common generic libraries and consider different alternatives.
- Keep Calm and Carry On. It’s just a merge conflict! — Some sound advice.
- Keep Your Software Tests Simple — We can all be guilty of making things overly complex.
- Non Functional Mobile App Testing — When you are testing mobile apps there are a number of non functional elements you need to consider.
- How Selenium Works: Episode 2 — Navigation — Handy step by step guide for page loads in Selenium.
Business Posts
- Best practices for smart software testing — Here are some best practices to help you get the most from your testing strategy.
- 3 Critical Software Tests That Most Companies Forget — Three critical software tests that many companies forget to include in their test suites and how you can effectively address them.
- 3 reasons DevSecOps is getting so much attention — How can teams use this knowledge to modernize their application security programs?
- What Is the Best Unit Testing Framework for JavaScript? — There are three ways to test a JavaScript web app.
Check out our forever automagically updated list of software testing podcasts…
- Testing success can be reliant on good storytelling — Rob and Joel talk about how to tell better stories.
- Episode 678 — Google Chrome To Block Downloads Over HTTP — Google Chrome, starting with the April 2020 release, will begin to roll out blocking downloads over HTTP.
- 165: Cheapfakes, deepfakes, and Ashley Madison — Wi-Fi hopping malware, the return of Ashley Madison extortion scams, and should social media be doing anything about deepfakes?
- A/B Testing — Leemay Nassery — Let’s say you have a web application and you want to make some changes to improve it. You may want to A/B test it first to make sure you are really improving things.
- Exploring Security — Developing Security Thought in Quality and Testing Part’ or 1=?–; — Dan’s developing thoughts about security in the Quality and Testing space.
- Twitter Exposes the Phone Numbers of 17 Million Accounts — 95% of API vulnerabilities are due to human error and not “hacks”.
- 500 Chrome extensions secretly uploaded private data from millions of users — Just how much data does that browser extension have access to?
- Is 128 Bit Encryption Enough? — What does it all mean, and how much do you need?
- Mobile & Web Tester — Leeds, UK
- QA Automation Lead — Austin, US
- Testing is a Team Problem with Lisa Crispin — Toronto
- On Tour in Sunderland — Newcastle
- What is Testing? — Essentials Meetup Cambridge
- Meetup #13 — São Paulo
- PTM Meetup #4.4 — Porto
- Continuous Delivery: a tester’s journey and lessons learned — MidTest
- Automating API testing with Postman — Prague
- Turbulence, Hypotheses and Experiments in an Enterprise — Brighton & Hove
- Ask Me Anything — Belfast Software Testing Clinic
- Cynefin for Testers — Madrid
- Become a Mentor — Essentials Meetup Midlands
- Meetup 9# — CI/CD, Technical Debt, QA/QE Career Skills/Competency — Manila
- Cynefin para Testers por Jokin Aspiazu — Barcelona
- De Tester a Product Owner Por Jokin Aspiazu — Valencia
- Trending tools in testing — Pune
- Agile delivery: Are we missing the point of being Agile? — Brisbane
- Sharing Test Experience & Building a Tester Skillset — Glasgow
- What is Testing? — Essentials Meetup Edinburgh