How Do You Build Your Testing Credibility?
Hi there,
Last week I had the pleasure of chatting on a call with Ajibade Adeola. He has tonnes of passion and early practical experience that’ll set him up nicely for an excellent career in software testing. He just needs to find the right remote-based company that’ll value him for who he is and what he can offer. He doesn’t want to relocate — why should he? He wants to work for a fully remote company and to be close to his family. Time and time again he experiences discrimination in the hiring process. And that’s not good enough. Our industry can and will do better.
What information can you share about internships and first-time tester roles that will help Ajibade today? What remote internships/junior roles are you aware of right now? How else might you help those looking to move into a testing career?
- Simon, CommunityBoss
This newsletter is kindly supported by Xray
Xray — Native Test Management
Xray embeds the quality management process into the development workflow. With Native Quality Management, all QA tools, tests and processes are infused into the development environments you already work with, like Jira. So Quality and Development teams speak the same language, stay on the same page, and release consistently quality software — together.
What’s New With Ministry of Testing?
Help Ministry of Testing build a better community and join us for a discussion about our 2022 vision and goals. Join the Discussion: Ministry of Testing Townhall with Richard Bradshaw, Andrew Morton, Mark Winteringham, and Simon Tomes — Tue, 14 Dec 2021, 8:00 PM — 9:00 PM GMT. This event is open to all.
We’ve launched round two of the amazing 99 Minute Workshops. Thank you to the incredible instructors. Check them out and register today.
🔎 The formidable Exploring Exploratory Testing series grows again. This time thanks to Elizabeth Zagroba and Lee Hawkins. Elizabeth and her test team made the decision to automate less and explore more, finding a more balanced approach to testing. And Lee offers up heuristics and oracles to help bolster your credibility when raising problems.
👉 Take a 10 minute break: Try the Origami challenge (look out for Peet’s frog 🐸😃)
👉 Which detective character do you most identify with?
👉 What were you doing before you became a tester?
📺 In this talk Neil tells the story about the best company he has never worked at! This is a love letter to future Neil determined to help foster such a collaborative and joyful culture in companies he will work with.
Kristof talks to Raj Rao, the Co-Founder of AutonomIQ. Autonomous testing, what is it? Citizen testers, who are they? What are some recent trends we are seeing today in the market?
Check out two more Automation in Testing workshops from Mark Winteringham and Richard Bradshaw: Managing Actions In Automation and Managing Codified Oracles in Automation. Discover how state management gets mistaken for actions, how you can create ‘Codified oracles’ that inform us if something has passed/failed/changed, plus much more!
Ben and Beren join Simon on another episode of TestSphere roulette. They explore strangling patterns, peer reviews, and accessibility. 🎧
This newsletter is kindly supported by Testim
Why Test Automation Fails: Test Design and Implementation Tips
Too often, automation projects don’t live up to their promised benefits. In this webinar, Testim reviews common reasons why test automation fails and offers some design and implementation tips to get your projects back on track. Watch now.
Register for these 99 Minute Workshops
- Exploring the unknowns with Xray Exploratory App with Sergio Freire — Mon, 13 Dec 2021, 5:00 PM — 7:00 PM GMT. This workshop is open to all.
- Meet Your Own Biases with João Proença and Michael Kutz — Wed, 12 Jan 2022, 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM GMT
- Beyond The UI — Introduction To HTTP Proxying with Eva Podbrdská — Wed, 19 Jan 2022, 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM GMT
- Code Reviews for Testers with Peet Michielsen — Wed, 26 Jan 2022, 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM GMT
- Grow Your Technical Confidence with Lisi Hocke — Wed, 2 Feb 2022, 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM GMT
- Create Test Strategies Based On Business Needs with Jesper Ottosen — Wed, 23 Feb 2022, 6:00 PM — 8:00 PM GMT
- Plus keep an eye out for a new training format coming soon, 99 Minute Challenges! 👀
Discover Useful Business Posts
Over the past several years, we’ve heard a lot about “shift-left” and “shift-right” testing. We’ve seen the benefits of having testing specialists involved in testing-related activities on both sides of the “DevOps loop.” Read what Lisa had to say on the topic.
Quality teams are still struggling to prioritize end-to-end testing to maximize test coverage. A test strategy becomes less efficient as the product evolves, slowing the development of new features. Find out how page coverage can help.
Check out this 2022 forecast for mobile application development, including the trends and opportunities mobile software developers and engineers need to know. Does anything surprise you?
📱 “Mobile games are not just video games. Today, people connect to them emotionally.” Let Harish point you in the right direction with this handy guide for mobile games testing.
As organizations consider having their employees return to the office, many companies are looking to further explore and embrace remote work. For testers who want to go back to in-person collaboration, this idea can be a bit of a transition. Hannah shares 5 Keys to Test Management for Remote QA Teams.
Get Closer to the Community
Kristof shares his biggest testing win of 2021 and resolutions for 2022. An absolute legendary effort with the MoT community. 🏆
Time for another XPath/CSS Selector challenge from Louise. In this week’s challenge: Setup a locator that can be used to identify the ‘View all’ link on the Events card on the Ministry of Testing website.
What is a testing charter? Diogo explains all in this super easy-to-digest post.
It’s been a year or so since Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory, Margaret Dineen, and Anne-Marie Charrett talked about what’s next for agile teams and testing. Along with the importance of taking small steps, they discuss not being taken in by smoke and mirrors, resilience, observability, and complexity. It’s all still relevant today.